From Code to Career: Creating a Personal Resume Website with VS Code

From Code to Career: Creating a Personal Resume Website with VS Code

Today, I'm excited to share how I made my personal resume website. Being new to web development, I wanted to stand out in the digital world. So, I decided to make a personal resume website using HTML and CSS.

Why a Personal Resume Website?

In this digital age, I felt having a personal website where you can show your projects is better than a paper resume. It's not just about showing what I know but also can connect me to the potential employers.

Choosing Tools:

I went with VS Code as it's easy to use and has lots of cool add-ons. It helped me turn my ideas into reality.

Coding My Way to Success:

I'll share bits of code and talk about the problems I faced. Whether you're a coder or just curious, I hope you find this part interesting!

Showcasing Skills:

I'll talk about how I made my skills and achievements stand out. It's not just about looking good, it's about making sure people know what I bring to the table.

The Final Product:

After some coding in HTML and CSS and tested it lot of times, my website is ready! I'll talk about how I coded for it and achieved it . Let's see how it can help me in my career!!